Wednesday, June 10, 2009

I'm feeling spicy...

Spicy food, that is!

I was having a hankering for some Mexican food today, so I decided to whip up some veggie fajitas for dinner. I used a recipe from this book as my base, and did kind of a 'use what you have' approach to come up with my own version. (I tend to do this with just about every recipe I use, because 99% of the time I don't have all of the right ingredients!)
So, here's what's on the menu tonight:
Tofu (pressed and cubed)
onion, green pepper, corn, squash, zucchini
Spices: garlic powder, chili powder, cumin

Saute the tofu, pressed and cubed, in oil with all of the spices until it is coated and starts to brown. Add in all the veggies and saute til they're done!
Serve in flour tortillas with diced tomato, avocado, sour cream (vegan, for me!), and salsa, and a can of refried beans on the side.
I know, its kind of cheating to use a can of refried beans, but I'm just really happy to finally have a can opener, people! Anyway, this is going to be good. I'm just waiting for Teddy to get home from work so we can dig in!

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