Tuesday, July 20, 2010

I CAN sew!

I thrifted these pink stripey shorts a few weeks ago, but they were just wayyyy too long. I think the inseam was at least 6 inches! But I just couldn't not buy them...so they've been sitting in my drawer, just waiting to be hemmed. So today, I finally broke out the ol' sewing machine and fixed 'em up! I looooove how they turned out! I think they might be my new most favorite things.

Since I had the sewing machine out, I fixed up a few more items that have been just waiting for some T.L.C. First, I turned a skort into a skirt, and then I finally fixed the shoulders on a dress that I bought 3 years ago to wear to a wedding... I've lost a lot of weight since then so the dress was a bit loose on me, plus the shoulders never did quite fit right and it made the front rather...revealing. So I just took the shoulders in, and voila - its perfect! I can't wait to wear it again soon! I didn't take any pictures of my handiwork yet, but I'll try to soon!

Here's a 3-year-old picture of me in the dress, haha:

Oh, nostalgia.


  1. I love the photography you used to show off your new shorts <3 Mom!

  2. i lovve those pants!. i want some like that!...*

  3. Good work on the shorts purchase and modification!


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