This is what I've been doing this morning....
...sketching and storyboarding my ideas for my final GIS project, which will be about Svalbard.
I had too much fun with the "to-scale" drawing of Predator X hehehe :-D
I'm so glad today is Thursday - its my Friday!
- Class 2:00-3:15
- Babysitting 3:15 ~ 4:00
- Gym 4:30 ~ 5:30
- Dinner...Subway??
- Class 6:30 - 9:15
then I'm freeeeeee!
Its going to be a great weekend - tomorrow is an official "Grad student imbibing workshop" (read: everyone goes to the bar for drinks, bought by the profs!), and Saturday I'm going to the DC United vs. LA Galaxy game with my bestie!! David Beckham...mmmm-hmmmm! :-D
That wonderful feeling that makes you plans things out.